Veterans for All Voters
State Leaders
State Leaders are on-the-ground advocates for election innovations in their home states. The situation on the ground is different in each state. For example, some innovations happen in the state legislatures while other changes can happen at the ballot box.
Ohio Testimonials
"I support political innovation in our Federal government. The two major political parties have created "rules" for how we are governed that favor their own interests and those of major donors, over the interests of the country overall. I have taught a course, "Getting Congress to Serve the Nation" to over 220 people in 5 counties of SW Ohio, with strongly positive support. I've translated the content into a book, "American Turning Point: Repairing and Restoring our Constitutional Republic". I've proposed 16 specific changes, which I call "Citizen Rules", to define how we the people want to be governed. In a government created to derive its powers from the consent of the governed, shouldn't the citizens make most of the rules? A summary of the changes and the road map for implementing them is on the book's website at I believe the combination of open primaries and ranked choice voting, in combination with the "Citizen Rules", would result in elected officials who put service to country and loyalty to the Constitution and their oath of office, above their own career self-interest and the interests of their party and donors. The result would be policies that unite versus divide the country for political gain."
Robert Viney
Military Veteran