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Veterans For Political Innovation Launches In Madison

What's Your Solution?

That’s the question that Veterans for Political Innovation (VPI) CEO and co-founder, Todd Connor, asked a crowd of over 50 veterans, elected officials and supporters who gathered last week at the Top of the Park bar in Madison, Wisconsin, overlooking the state Capitol.

VPI’s launch event was a smashing success! The energy in the room was palpable as attendees united in support of the innovative “Final-Five Voting” bill currently pending in the Wisconsin Legislature (SB 250 / AB 244). Many of the bill’s co-authors and co-sponsors were on hand to talk about why they personally support Final-Five Voting. Former Wisconsin Secretary of Commerce, and Marine Corps veteran, Dick Leinenkugel gave an impassioned plea on how he personally experienced the impact of toxic partisan politics. While the speakers and attendees came from many different backgrounds, different parts of the state and different points on the political spectrum, they were united in support for Final-Five Voting as the best way to fix our broken political system in Washington.

Final-Five Voting will help restore accountability and effective policy making in Washington by fixing bad incentives through more competitive elections. Todd Connor challenged the crowd to go and ask any state leader or elected official who doesn’t support Final-Five Voting, “then, what’s your solution?”

It’s easy for us to be against something. Too often, in our current political system, elected leaders actually get rewarded for doing nothing. But if any leader doesn’t support Final-Five Voting—a powerful innovation that will provide voters with up to five viable candidates to choose from in November—then, it’s on them to provide us with alternative solutions.

An August 2021, Marquette University Law School poll found that 84% of Wisconsinites think Washington is broken. The attendees at last week’s VPI launch event—people from across the state and across the political spectrum—gathered to say, “enough is enough”! We are sick and tired of politics as usual. We are tired of a system that rewards poor results and extreme partisan behavior. Fixing our political system must be our number one priority. Wisconsinites, veterans and supporters from across the country are ready for real, systematic change that makes American democracy less toxic and more effective for everyone. Onward, for powerful election innovations such as Final-five Voting!

Would you like to join Veterans for Political Innovation, or learn more? There are several ways to support VPI’s urgent mission:

  1. If you’re interested in leading our work in Wisconsin or another state, please take a moment to fill out our volunteer intake form on our website.

  2. You can visit VPI’s website to start your learning journey about the specific innovations we’re advocating for, or you can download our Field Manual to explore different ways to support the changes we’re seeking to make.

  3. We’re a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, and we welcome donations or connections to potential supporters.

None of the work Veterans for Political Innovation does is possible without servant leaders like Kevin Miller, Ryan Gagnon , and Joshua Wilson who call Wisconsin home. Thank you!

In the next couple of weeks, VPI will announce details about our next national event, where we’ll highlight the traction we’re gaining in Wisconsin and states across the country. Join us today!

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